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The Brazil Urban Design Project has been an unforgettable experience for students from both Oxford Brookes University and Universidade Federal de Pelotas, which has offered them a valuable academic and cultural experience. 

All the important aspects of urban design and planning in creating a good place which are presented as key codes have been gathered after a successful workshop in Pelotas, Brazil. The harmonious cooperation between planning students from Oxford Brookes University and architecture students from Universidade Federal de Pelotas has resulted in promising design guidelines for future affordable housing development in Brazil. The collaboration also offered an opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and international working experience for students from both institutions.


In regards to the design codes, although they were initially created without an in-depth knowledge of Brazilian cultures and lifestyles, all planning principles and methods learnt in the classroom were proved to be somewhat applicable despite geographical context. Concentrated from design principles, site analyses and cultural context, the final design has managed to achieve two prominent qualities that need to be addressed for the subject site which are security and integration. In addition, it also offers a certain level of sustainability and flexibility required by the project objectives. The sustainability was created by retrofitting the green and blue environment in the area

as well as allowing family-run businesses to secure local economy. While the flexibility was achieved through designing interchangeable functional spaces which can be seen in the example of recreational sitting areas on the streets. One importance aspect of the development is its feasibility which was also thoroughly tested against broader social and economic context. It gives the design guideline an element of credibility.


The design codes produced by 4 groups are not complete but they all show good acquisition and understanding of procedures in developing urban design codes. These guidelines can be helpful for future development in the live case study site as it can give future planners a basis and an understanding of the various components to consider. With these design codes taken to their full potential and extent, they will enable the realisation of specific visions perceived by planners. Future development in the area will have a solid framework to rely on in creating a good place. They also give room to a certain amount of freedom for the developers and architects to input their creativity to the area.

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